our story
we’re passionate about water the real water
what’s real?
well the way in which nature intended it to be
straight from the source like our natural spring in
Himachal Pradesh a gift hidden in the lap of the
majestic himalayas
we’re passionate about water
the real water
what’s real?
well the way in which
nature intended it to be
straight from the source
like our natural spring in
Himachal Pradesh
a gift hidden in the lap of the
majestic himalayas
we want you to taste the manna well
“what a water!”
is what we uttered when we tasted it
and so it seemed befitting to call it
such to capture its true essence
‘whatr’ at its purest
pristine and fresh
with naturally balanced essential minerals
and ph of ~ 7.4,
whatr so smooth, smoothness
shall redefine itself.
we want you to taste the manna well
“what a water!”
is what we uttered when we tasted it
and so it seemed befitting to call it
such to capture its true essence
‘whatr’ at its purest
pristine and fresh
with naturally balanced essential minerals and ph of ~ 7.4,
whatr so smooth, smoothness shall redefine itself.

single use plastic bottles
imagine every single piece of plastic ever made still exists today on our planet it never gets completely recycled, it is just down cycled and reused with plastic bottles having the lowest recycling rate
single use plastic bottles
imagine every single piece of plastic ever made still exists today on our planet it never gets completely recycled, it is just down cycled and reused with plastic bottles having the lowest recycling rate
to save you and ourselves from the guilt
of having to quench your thirst through a pet
bottle that may have traces of microplastic
to contribute to the heaps of plastic in landfills,
which takes a thousand years to decompose s
abotaging marine life, forests, oceans
and us in the process.
to save you and ourselves from the guilt of having to quench your thirst through a pet bottle that may have traces of micro plastic to contribute to the heaps of plastic in landfills, which takes a thousand years to decompose sabotaging marine life, forests, oceans, and us in the process.
using glass instead only meant postponing
the problem as it too takes a million
years to decompose
so, we researched extensively until we had it.
using glass instead only meant postponing the problem as it too takes a million years to decompose
so, we researched extensively until we had it.

a sustainable, eco-friendly solution
with the highest recycling rate (~ 70%)
and lowest carbon footprint of all
beverage containers
our whatr remains fresh in it, as aluminum
is not affected by light or heat
it chills faster and stays cooler too
for a longer time
introducing India’s only natural mineral whatr in eco-friendly
aluminium cans because we strongly believe,
a can makes a difference
We are responsible whatr
a sustainable, eco-friendly solution
with the highest recycling rate (~ 70%)
and lowest carbon footprint of all
beverage containers
our whatr remains fresh in it, as aluminum
is not affected by light or heat
it chills faster and stays cooler too
for a longer time
introducing India’s only natural mineral whatr in eco-friendly
aluminium cans because we strongly believe,
a can makes a difference
We are responsible whatr